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  • This is the official site of Chemaf and provides general information about the company. All the text, graphics, trademarks and all other content displayed on this site are owned by Chemaf. The information and content is based on the laws applicable in UK.
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  • This site may contain some hyperlinks which lead out of this site. Information contained in any site linked from this site has not been reviewed for accuracy or legal sufficiency. Chemaf is not responsible for the content of any such external hyperlinks and references to any external links should not be construed as an endorsement of the links or their content.
  • No information on this site shall constitute an invitation to invest in Chemaf. Neither Chemaf nor the entities belonging to Chemaf, nor their respective officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to or use of this site or any site linked to it, including, without limitation, any loss or profit, loss of business, loss of use indirect, incidental or consequential loss.
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  • If you have any questions about this Policy or other privacy concerns, you can also email us at