Education & skills development

Enhancing opportunities through learning and skills share initiatives.
The essence of Human Resources Development is education; learning also plays a significant and remedial role in strengthening the socio-economic framework of developing countries. Professional training and skills transfer initiatives are central to our operations and our community programs. Our primary education contributions include helping to facilitate sustainable infrastructure such as access roads, classrooms, potable water, and handwashing facilities.

School construction & equipment

Chemaf has enabled the construction of schools in Ruashi and Bukanada villages in Kolwezi, and Shindaika village in Lubumbashi. We have also equipped these schools with furniture and stationery, and donated laboratory equipment and supplies to the University of Lubumbashi. We support our team members and their families with a monthly allowance for their school-age children, and provide bursary support for higher education opportunities.

Other Initiatives

Promoting health equity is at the core of our efforts to create a more inclusive world.